We all know that there is only 24 hrs in a day & after the recommended 7 hrs of sleep a night we are left with 17 hrs to play with. Working the traditional 40 hr a week job you will have had a structured day from beginning to end. Naturally there will be days when you will get slow with not much to do so you’ll sit and play free cell on the company computer, read a magazine, or if you’re bold enough instagram is live right now with sunshinegirl_veronica making plans for the upcoming weekend.
However, for the most part you have an outline of your day giving you the steps to have a productive day. Getting the most out of your day when working from home can be a little different. There is more of a freedom there with all the responsibility sitting squarely on you. It doesn’t take long for your business to fail if you fall asleep even for a second at the wheel. Becoming acclimated to working from home takes finding a rhythm that works best for you. I am trying to find my rhythm, and I won’t stop until I do. I have learned a lot along the way and I want to share it with those that are in search for the work from home opportunity.
I’ve learned that Goals, Own, Action, Learn, Patience, Work, Repeat. Are great ways to make the most of your day being self-employed.
Create a list of goals for your business
Take a long deep thought about the end game? For what reason are you looking to work from home? Once you have your main objective clear you can begin to take the necessary steps to get there. Here we are talking about working from home so your goals may want to be planning what type of work you want to do by finding a niche. Without a niche you will find yourself with no one to help meaning no one to support your business. After you find your reason, and your market, your next step is to set up shop, and begin building. These are short term goals to get you closer to your long term goal of freedom.
To learn what a niche is I recommend finding out how wealthy affiliate really work by reading about my #1 pick to learning how to build an online business.
Own your digital real estate
Unless you are a tax prepare r, or a babysitter, or maybe even a private chef, working from home will take secured access to the internet where you can reach your audience from afar. This is what makes working from home a little more lucrative than your average 9-5 as a business owner.
Working from home cuts the overhead altogether down to the cost of running your website saving you a ton of money. Seeing how you will need electricity anyways along with your existing internet service you’re already primed for work from home. Now you’ll just need to fund the cost of building your website and equipping it with security & hosting.
Here you can learn how to create a domain and put it to work for you by creating a full time income giving you more time to live your fruitful life.
Action speaks louder than words
This is the most important step when working from home because you need the discipline to take action everyday on building your business. It’s no ones responsibility but yours. To own a coffee shop takes more than your name on the wall you will have to show up every day to serve your market or else you will soon closed down for good.
The same principle apply with your at home enterprise you must build your business daily to get optimal results. You have to do the market research, You have to promote your site, and you have to interact with your audience. The more action you take the better your business will grow. Take action often and a lot!
Learn the secrets of success
Being self-employed sounds nice and working from home sounds even better. The idea doesn’t quite make it a reality so becoming successful will take some learning on your behalf. You can just go out there and make mistakes to figure things out, but why waste time with that when you can find someone to show you exactly how to be a success online.
The internet of yesterday is not the same internet of today and I’m quite sure it will be different tomorrow. Learning how to gain an online presence while generating traffic can be tough without the proper guidance. You don’t want to over spend to acquire this knowledge so you should find the program that holds the best value.
Learn how to make money online if you don’t know how, but you have to make the first step and join the #1 training platform for ALL especially the beginner.
Quitting won’t speed up the process
Reports show that it’s a 50/50 chance that your small business will succeed within 5 years. That means there is a great chance that if you just hang in there you will reach your goal of working from home. Patience is a must when starting your own business. The part that makes working online wonderful is that you are keeping the operational cost at a low, leaving top focus on building your business. Small business are usually successful within the first 18-24 months so start small, think big and be patient!
You can’t plant a seed tonight and expect a full garden by sunrise!
Keep working
Work, Work, and do more work! Study your market and competition to get ideas to make your business grow. You should never be satisfied with your business when you first begin. It won’t be easy in the beginning because it will take forever to get the results needed to make a full time income. Just keep in mind that slow and steady wins the race so run the marathon and not the sprint.
Repeat the process
Everyday you are able to work on your business DO it, When you wake in the morning get your day set to do the necessary steps of building your business. Repeat that process each and every day as if it was your traditional 9-5. Make your at home business a priority at least 2hrs a day.
Find a rhythm to your process the more time spent the better, but 2 valuable hours will beat 6 unproductive hours any day of the week!
Working from home usually requires discipline, and consistent action on building the business you want to support the lifestyle you desire. There is no fast track to success so it’s best to slow down, enjoy the process, and make the most of every learning experience.
Of all these things I have my monthly goals in place, I own my domain(you’re here), I’ve joined the #1 training platform in the world, and I keep working at my business. It doesn’t matter how much I get busy and sometimes I am away from my business for days on end I always come back to build my brand. Finding the rhythm is tricky because my anxiety have me jumping all over the place.
But I will say this, I am nowhere near as all over the place when I first began as a rookie to the online world as I am today. I have learned to slow down and work the system and I know I will soon find my stride as long as I keep working at it. If you want to get started the time is now! there is no need to wait for tomorrow when you can have your free trial today.
Leave your comments below if you have any further questions or concerns. If you think a friend can benefit with getting started in their work from home venture please share this article with them to help them along the way.
Thanks for reading,
PaPa Jones