The misconception of wealth is that money is the only way to have wealth. When in fact wealth just means to have an abundance of, that can be whatever you decide it to be.
We all would like to have a boat load of money to have in our possession but without proper financial education that money can easily dwindle to nothing.
So we should decide what do we want an abundance of? Knowledge, spritual health, physical health, money, friends, hobbies, the list goes on.
My goal is to become knowledgeable in becoming financially free. I want to learn the ins and outs in how to diversify cash flow. The goal is to aid and assist those who are having a hard time staying afloat in life with medical bills, mortgages. tuition and more.
Wealth control is about taking hold of your situation by making improvements to give you an abundance of. Some are obsessed with health so they get up everyday at 4 o’clock every morning to give the body strength. This individual never misses medical appointments to stay in tune.
Some are deprived of good health from birth so they may rely more on emotional strength. Making them more consistent in meditation, and prayer.
Ask yourself where do you need to take control of your life? what do you want more of? The only way to achieve this is by making up your mind that you can get it. Stay consistent to your dreams take action daily to a better wealthy you. All is possible even if its humanly impossible, but only if you are a true believer.
So what is your subject of wealth, and how do you plan for success? I want you to stay positive, set goals, write down your goals, celebrate small wins!
I should probably share with you my subject of wealth and why i decided to take control. I was born with a benign blood disorder in which I fell ill and became disabled in 2012. It was just recent that I was told that i am now fighting stage 3 CKD and at this very moment my wealth is my well-being.
Goal setting will be addressed through blogs and conversation works so stay tuned if you want to take control of your wealth!
keep reading,
PaPa Jones