library books

Let’s go to the library

As a child, one of my favorite programs to watch after school was the Reading Rainbow. I remember the opening theme song capturing my attention as I couldn’t wait to see what books would be discussed on the days’ episode. Reading became one of my all time favs after basketball practice I would rush to the library to grab a good sleuth novel and dig in. During a big snow storm I’d make some Hot Cocoa with extra marshmallows and sit in front of the fire stove with a good book to pass the time before it was time to shovel while auto-biographies were the best I enjoyed a good mystery novel from time to time. As my social life began to grow my reading activity suffered tremendously. Between work and hanging out with friends I couldn’t find the time to do any reading.

That was back in the late 90s so electronic readers were unheard-of and there was audio tapes but tapes were on the way out and I didn’t own a CD player on the go. I didn’t spend enough time home so it would have been pointless to purchase CD’s that I may never listen to.

Speeding up to the current times’ audio books on your mobile device are a great way to keep up on the latest books that you have been dying to read but can’t find the time. With this article I am going to share with you 3 reasons why you should build your library with Audible books by amazon.

#1. Reading is fundamental

There are many reasons why someone may need to read a book it’s almost a guarantee that everyone will read at least one book in his/her lifetime. It could be for school, seeking knowledge. Work, or just plain pleasure.

From grade school to secondary school research and reports are a staple of the learning system. This is a great way to find out how much information you are comprehending. It also helps with remembering information that will be of importance at a later date. English literature classes are notorious for assigning reading assignment for the semester so an e-library is ideal for the student always on the go.

Reading books is a great way to learn a new subject. When you don’t have the knowledge needed about a particular subject you grab a book and learn it. As I began my own business I was lost on how to set up my tax schedule so I went on a search to give me some assistance. The library visit was a task and a half searching through aisles of literature to find the book to answer my needs. With an audible subscription I can do a much easier search by category and find the publication I need much faster.

If you decide to find a job working from home online as I have you will need to do your research on the market you are working in. Any subject or passion can be a niche and the more you know about your market the more authority you will gain by giving people genuine help. The more you know the more you will grow your business.

My wife loves books and she would love to just kick up her feet and read a good book. It’s almost a calming effect to her having that paperback in her hand flipping pages. This may be the only downside to audio books. People love the feel of that book in hand and hearing the pages turn.

#2. Listen anywhere

I mean, you can read a book anywhere as well just as long as you have light, aren’t running/driving, or preoccupied with any other activity. Reading off the pages of a book requires a level of concentration that sometime just can’t be met.

It’s 4 o’clock and you have to get dinner started but your school assignment is due tomorrow and every minute of reading counts. Instead of ordering pizza or taking a break from reading your audio book can be played leaving you hand free to multitask. Yes, even though you have a family you can still go to school and make the most of it.

Early morning jogs before the rest of the world awakes can be some of the best runs to have. On any mobile device amazon brings you the pleasure of books on demand. Power up the cellphone find your latest listen and hit the pavement. I’m a late evening tread miller and nothing beats a good title to listen to while I’m at the gym getting my sweat on. Before I know it my 3 mile run is over and I’ve got some chapters in on learning How to build tax-free wealth.

I make the most of my reading time when I am sitting in traffic trying to make it to my destination. If you drive in to work you will probably sit in traffic before and after work and the radio plays the same songs over and over again. In order to stay sane take that time to get some good reading in.

#3. Save the trees

You will hear me from time to time asking everyone to play a part in protecting the planet. Trees are a part of the terrestrial ecosystem is its forest and its deforestation and as we know books are made with paper and book paper for the time being comes from trees. Downloading audible won’t stop the process of deforestation but it shows a conscious effort to saving the planet. Our future generation will rely on it.

In conclusion

My love for books began as a child came from watching Reading Rainbow as I grew older I got lost in time. Just recently I have picked back up building my library of books that I can reference from time to time. Audible brings me the ease of building without taking up large amounts of space in my den. I now have shelf space for those plants I’ve wanted to get for the longest.

Just to recap that reading is fundamental and the base of a quality education. Books on the run are made for those that love books but don’t have time to enjoy the pleasures of reading due to time constraints. Saving the trees is a responsibility we all share & audible by amazon can meet all of those needs.

This may not be a solution for all as some like to have that book in hand and like to share the book from time to time. However, if you would like to try out this service with a trial and receive two free books. Click link below to enjoy the service and enjoy the books!


6 thoughts on “3 reasons why you should build your library with Audible books by Amazon”

  1. Reading is truly essential to us in life. At one point in time, like you have said we must’ve read a book, for whatsoever reason. Audible by amazon is a really great way to read and do other stuff. Sometimes, I might be on the road taking a stroll with my head phone plugged and no one will ever think I’m reading book. That’s really awesome. I never thought about the saving a tree aspect though. Great post.

    1. Yeah, one of my customers put me on to it. He said he would use it at the gym or while he was working as a busboy to keep up with his required reading for school.

      I don’t think I’d be able to keep concentration while I’m at work bussing tables. However, I agree with the gym time I am able to get some great research in while I hit the treadmill and work my way around the weight room. It’s actually a lot faster than reading as well. 

      With the forward and rewind button, you can always go back to re-listen

      Thanks for sharing.

  2. Wow! This is definitely new to me. Ive never heard of audible on amazon before but this seem like a game changer for people like us who loves to read a lot but is limited with time and work constraints. The importance of reading in all honesty cannot be stressed enough as it is an integral factor that enables an individual to function. Irrespective of whatsoever field a person belongs, reading is a  germane factor that cannot be over looked. Great post and definitely I will look up audible books on Amazon.

    1. The best conclusions are made through research and the best way to strengthen knowledge is through reading.

      It’s also a great way to entertain oneself.

      My favorite book is the devil in a blue dress by Walter moseley.

      Do you have any favorites?

  3. What an inspiring and informative article!
    I agree with you on all points. Indeed, as you mentioned so well in your introduction, the world has emerged and we will have to follow its trend. Whether we like it or not, current life leaves us no choice. I am a full-time worker and I fully understand what you are describing here. Lack of time and, work constraints are obstacles to the traditionary reading system even if you have the passion and know the necessity of reading. But thanks to audible books, it becomes feasible and, even fun because you can relish chapters of a book even when you are in a restaurant or driving your car.
    You have inspired me a lot and, from now, I will try to register on audible by Amazon to enjoy its service!
    Thank you for sharing!!
    All the best!!!

    1. You are totally right Sebastian. The way of the world is in a hurry. There are a lot of people who don’t read at all and that is a clear indication of where we are headed as a society.  We all can stand to learn something and what better way than between the covers of a publication. 

      Thanks for your thoughts

      PaPa Jones

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